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Mr. Bernie Wright

Licensed Professional Counselor – Associate | MA, LPC Associate

Hello! My name is Bernie Wright, LPC Associate (Supervised by Keith Cobern, LPC Supervisor) and I specialize in marriage and relationship counseling from a biblical worldview.

Everyone wants to live in the light of understanding themselves and others. But we live in a world shrouded in darkness and dysfunction that tries to prevent us from having healthy relationships.

This darkness causes trauma and frustration in understanding ourselves and others that we care about. It shows up as communication breakdowns, broken trust, emotional distance, lack of love, constant strife, and temptations to harm your relationships from within.

The grief, disappointment, and sorrow that comes from living in the dark isn’t necessary. There’s a better way, and I want to help you find it.

I graduated from Dallas Baptist University with a Bachelors in Science and Amberton University with a Masters in Professional Counseling.

I have 8+ years of experience in marriage education. I utilize powerful tools to help you both create a safe environment, nurture love, communicate better, explore conflict resolution, and more based on your unique personalities & relationship history. By interweaving therapy, scripture, literature, & more, I empower both of you to shine in life and love.

Luminous Christian Counseling exists to help you address the darkness and dysfunction from a Christian and Biblical Worldview, then turn the lights on and lead you toward the clarity, peace, and fulfillment that God’s light and love has for you.

Jesus promised in John 16:33 that “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Psalm 119:105 says “Thy word (the Bible) is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Here’s the plan:
1) We’ll start with a first session to gain understanding of your goals and what you want to improve.
2) Next, you’ll complete a comprehensive and fun assessment to understand your strengths and personality style, and how to utilize your uniqueness as advantages in your relationships.
3) Finally, we’ll make a plan together of easy, practical steps that you can practice that will help you have a harmonious and luminous lifestyle.​

Throughout the counseling journey, we will equip you with psychological tools and faith based strategies rooted in Christian values to defeat the dysfunction, and shine light onto the darkness.

For everyone, Luminous Living looks like having clarity, peace, and fulfillment in your life, and being able to live life to the fullest.

For the married couple, that means a loving relationship filled with passion, intimacy, and commitment in your marriage is possible. You don’t have to be a statistic of divorce or mediocrity, but can thrive and live a legacy worth living.

You were created for a healthy and thriving relationship with God, yourself, and others. You don’t have to go through another day of darkness and dysfunction. Contact me today to get scheduled. We can work together on ditching the darkness and living in the light.

Remote Sessions / Telehealth